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研究業績   Research Achievement

学術誌投稿論文   Journal Publications


志水,髙橋,木下,長縄,諸岡,Rizal Mahmud,相澤,"ディーゼル噴霧火炎衝突リブレット付き壁面の赤外高速度サーモグラフィ", 自動車技術会論文集54巻6号, p.1104-1109, (2023).

Rizal MAHMUD, Tatsuki TAKAHASHI, Hiroyuki KINOSHITA, Fumika SHIMIZU, Areno NAGANAWA, Masato MOROOKA, Tetsuya AIZAWA, “Infrared high-speed thermography of combustion chamber wall impinged by diesel spray flame - Imaging velocimetry of the radially striped infrared radiation pattern –“, SAE Technical Paper 2023-32-0087 (2023)


T.Aizawa, T.Kinoshita, S.Akiyama, K.Shinohara, Y.Miyagawa, “Infrared High-Speed Thermography of Combustion Chamber Wall Impinged by Diesel Spray Flame,” International Journal of Engine Research 23(7), pp.1116–1130 (2022)

Rongying Tian, Sanghoon Kook, Katsuki Ijima, Tetsuya Aizawa, Kenneth S. Kim, Chol-Bum Kweon, “In-flame soot structure of a jet fuel with 24% aromatics in a small-bore optical compression-ignition engine,” Combustion and Flame 246, 112440 (2022)

髙橋, 宮川, 木下, 田中, 茂木, 相澤, "赤外高速度サーモグラフィを用いたディーゼル噴霧火炎衝突による壁面熱伝達現象の調査", 自動車技術会論文集 Vol.53, No.5, pp.839-844 (2022)



D.Kim, S.Kook, R.Kusakari, K.Shinohara, K.Iijima, T.Aizawa, “Soot particles in piston-top pool fires and exhaust at 5 and 15MPa injection pressure in a gasoline direct-injection engine,” Proceeding of Combustion Institute 38, 5761-5768 

T. Aizawa, Y. Toyama, R. Kusakari, “Quantitative High-Resolution Transmission Electron Microscopy Nanostructure Analysis of Soot Oxidized in Diesel Spray Flame Periphery,” International Journal of Engine Research Vol.22, No.5, pp.1579-1591 

佐々木,鵜澤,相澤,嶋田,“逆デルタ噴射率ディーゼル燃焼の燃焼観察”,自動車技術会論文集 Vol.52, No.3, pp 561-567 

T.Aizawa, T.Kinoshita, S.Akiyama, K.Shinohara, Y.Miyagawa, “Infrared High-Speed Thermography of Combustion Chamber Wall Impinged by Diesel Spray Flame,” International Journal of Engine Research (Online First) 


遠藤, 佐藤, 北條, 丸山, 塚本, 相澤, "透過型電子顕微鏡によるガソリン機関排気微粒子のモーフォロジー解析" 自動車技術会論文集, Vol.51, No.5, pp.754-760

D.Kim, S.Kook, R.Kusakari, K.Shinohara, K.Iijima, T.Aizawa
"Soot particles in piston-top pool fires and exhaust at 5 and 15MPa injection pressure in a gasoline direct-injection engine,"
Proceeding of Combustion Institute 38 (Accepted for publication)

T. Aizawa, Y. Toyama, R. Kusakari
"Quantitative High-Resolution Transmission Electron Microscopy Nanostructure Analysis of Soot Oxidized in Diesel Spray Flame Periphery,"
International Journal of Engine Research (Online First)


Mohd Fareez, S.Akiyama, T.Kinoshita, T.Aizawa
"Effects of inversed-delta injection rate shaping on diesel spray flame liquid length, lift-off length and soot onset,"
Fuel 258, 116170

T.Aizawa, S.Akiyama, T.Shimada, Y.Toyama, Y.Nishikawa, S.Saruwatari, Y.Noguchi 
"TAIZAC -TAndem Injectors Zapping ACtivation- for Thermal Efficiency Improvement of Diesel Engine,"
SAE Int. J. Adv. & Curr. Prac. in Mobility 2(1), pp.310-318

Mohd Fareez, S.Akiyama, T.Kinoshita, T.Shimada, T.Aizawa
"Investigation of inversed-delta injection rate shaping diesel spray flame structure and combustion characteristics towards thermal efficiency improvement,"
Applied Thermal Engineering 160, 113986

自動車技術会論文集,Vol.50, No.4, pp.1042-1048

自動車技術会論文集Vol.50, No.2, pp.279-284

T.Maruyama, Y.Sato, K.Endo, T.Tsukamoto, T.Aizawa
"In-Cylinder GDI Soot via Visualization and Time-Resolved Total Cylinder Sampling," 
SAE Int. J. Adv. & Curr. Prac. in Mobility 1(1), pp.249-258



B. Zhou, T.Adachi, J.Kusaka, T.Aizawa
"A Numerical Study on Correlation of Chemiluminescent Species and Heat Release Distributions Using Large Eddy Simulation,"
SAE Technical Paper No.2018-32-0066

Mohd Fareez, Y.Toyama, K.Takahara, S.Saruwatari, S.Akiyama, T.Shimada, T.Aizawa
"Optical Diagnostics of Inversed-Delta Rate Shaping Diesel Spray Flame towards Reduction of Late Combustion,"
SAE Technical Paper No.2018-01-1793

自動車技術会論文集,Vol.49, No.3, pp.581-586


Toyama, Y., Takahata, N., Kondo, K., and Aizawa, T.
"Soot Oxidation in Periphery of Diesel Spray Flame via High-Speed Sampling and HR-TEM Observation,"
SAE Int. J. Engines 10(5), 2330-2341

H. Kuno, T. Matsudaira, K. Kondo, T. Aizawa
"Temporally and Spatially Resolved Investigation of Soot Morphology in a Transient Diesel Spray Flame via Transmission Electron Microscopy,"
Proceedings of COMODIA2017, Paper No.B208)

Kamimoto, T., Uchida, N., Aizawa, T., Kondo, K., Kuboyama, T.
"Diesel Flame Imaging and Quantitative Analysis of Incylinder Soot Oxidation,"
International Journal of Engine Research 18(5-6) 422-435

Aizawa, T., Harada, T., Adachi, T., Zhou, B., Kusaka, J.
"Thermocouple Temperature Measurements in Diesel Spray Flame for Validation of In-flame Soot Formation Dynamics,"
International Journal of Engine Research 18(5-6), pp.453-466

K.Kondo, M.Kuribayashi, K.Sakai, T.Aizawa
"High-speed UV chemiluminescence imaging of late combustion in diesel spray flame,"
International Journal of Engine Research 18(1-2) 93-104

Katsufumi Kondo, Masaki Kuribayashi, Kosuke Sakai and Tetsuya Aizawa (Meiji University)

"High-speed Ultraviolet Chemiluminescence Imaging of Late Combustion in Diesel Spray Flame"

International Journal of Engine Research


Tetsuya Aizawa, Tsuyoshi Harada and Katsufumi Kondo (Meiji University)

Beini Zhou and Jin Kusaka (Waseda University)

"Thermocouple Temperature Measurements in Diesel Spray Flame for Validation of In-flame Soot Formation Dynamics"

International Journal of Engine Research, Vol.17(9)

Scott A. Skeen, Julien Manin and Lyle M. Pickett (Sandia National Laboratories, USA)

Emre Cenker (King Abdullah University of Science and Technology, Saudi Arabia)

Gilles Bruneaux (IFPEN, France)

Katsufumi Kondo and Tetsuya Aizawa (Meiji Unversity, Japan)

Fredrik Westlye, Kristine Dalen and Anders Ivarsson (Technical University of Denmark, Denmark)

Tiemin Xuan and Jose M Garcia-Oliver (Universitat Politecnica de Valencia, Spain)

Yuanjiang Pei and Sibendu Som (Argonne National Laboratory, USA)

Wang Hu and Rolf D. Reitz (University of Wisconsin, USA)

Tommaso Lucchini and Gianluca D'Errico (Politecnico di Milano, Italy)

Daniele Farrace, Sushant S. Pandurangi and Yuri M. Wright (ETH Zurich, Switzerland)

Muhammad Aqib Chishty, Michele Bolla and Evatt Hawkes (The University of New South Wales, Australia)

"A Progress Review on Soot Experiments and Modeling in the Engine Combustion Network (ECN)"

SAE Internal Journal of Engines Vol.9 (2), pp.883-898


Sanghoon Kook, Renlin Zhang and Qing Nian Chan (The University of New South Wales, Australia)

Tetsuya Aizawa and Katsufumi Kondo (Meiji University, Japan)

Emre Cenker and Gilles Bruneaux (IFPEN, France)

Oivind Andersson, Joakim H. Pagels and Erik Z. Nordin (Lund University, Sweden)

"Automated Detection of Primary Particles from Transmission Electron Microscope (TEM) Images of Soot Aggregates in Diesel Engine Environments"

SAE International Journal of Engines, Vol.9(1)


Takeyuki Kamimoto (Tokyo Institute of Technology, Japan)

Noboru Uchida (New ACE Institute CO., LTD, Japan)

Tetsuya Aizawa and Katsufumi Kondo (Meiji University, Japan)

Tatsuya Kuboyama (Chiba University, Japan)

"Diesel flame imaging and quantitative analysis of in-cylinder soot oxidation"

International Journal of Engine Research, SAGE journals

K. Miyashita, T. Tsukamoto, Y. Fukuda, K. Kondo, T. Aizawa
"High-Speed UV and Visible Laser Shadowgraphy of GDI In-cylinder Pool Fire,"
SAE Technical Paper 2016-01-2165




近藤克文,山口輝夫,西貝大樹,相澤哲哉 (明治大学)


機械学会論文集B編, Vol.81, No.830



Emre Cenker, Gilles Bruneaux (IFP, France)

Katsufumi Kondo, Tetsuya Aizawa (Meiji University, Japan)

Thomas Dreler and Christof Schulz (University of Duisburg-Essen, Germany)

"Assesment of soot particle-size imaging with LII at Diesel engine conditions"

Applied Physics B, Vol.119(4), pp.765-776





Masaki Kuribayashi, Yuta Mizutani, Yutaro Ishizuka, Natsuki Taki and Tetsuya Aizawa (Meiji University, Japan)

"Effects of Ambient Oxygen Concentration on Soot Processes in Diesel Spray Flame -A Qualitative Comparison between TEM Analysis and LII/Scattering Laser Measurements-"

SAE International Journal of Fuels and Lubricants, Vol.7(3), pp.693-703

Katsufumi Kondo, Junya Takahashi and Tetsuya Aizawa (Meiji University, Japan)

"Morphology Analysis of Wall-Deposited Diesel Soot Particles via Transmission Electron Microscope" 

SAE International Journal of Fuels and LubricantsVol.7(3), pp.683-692

作川新, 相澤哲哉 (明治大学)

皆川友宏 (司測研)


自動車技術会論文集, Vol.45(6) 





Masaki Kuribayashi, Yutaro Ishizuka and Tetsuya Aizawa (Meiji University, Japan)

"Sizing of Soot Particles in Diesel Spray Flame -A Qualitative Comparison between TEM Analysis and LII/Scattering Laser Measurements-"

SAE International Journal of Fuels and Lubricants, Vol.6(3), pp.641-650

Kei Okabe, Masaki Sakai and Tetsuya Aizawa (Meiji University, Japan)

"Aromatic Additive Effect on Soot Formation and Oxidation in Fischer-Tropsch Diesel(FTD) Spray Flame -Morphology and Nanostructure Analysis of In-Flame Soot Particles via HRTEM-"

SAE International Journal of Fuels and Lubricants, Vol.6(3), pp.807-816


Sanghoon Kook, Renlin Zhang and Kevin Szeto (The University of New South Wales, Australia)

Lyle M. Pickett (Sandia National Laboratories, USA)

Tetsuya Aizawa (Meiji University, Japan)

"In-Flame Soot Sampling and Particle Analysis in a Diesel Engine"
SAE International Journal of Fuels and Lubricants, Vol.6(1), pp.80-97


Dustin Witkowski, Katsufumi Kondo, Gokul Vishwanathan and David Rothamer (ERC, University of Wisconsin Madison, USA)

"Evaluation of the sooting properties of real fuels and their commonly used surrogates in a laminar co-flow diffusion flame"

Combustion and Flame, Vol.160(6), pp.1129-1141





Tetsuya Aizawa, Hiroki Nishigai, Katsufumi Kondo and Teruo Yamaguchi (Meiji University, Japan)

Jean Guillaume Nerva (CMT, Universidad Politécnica de Valencia, Spain)

Caroline L..Genzale (Georgia Institute of Technology, USA)

Sanghoon Kook (The University of New South Wales, Australia)

Lyle M.Pickett (Sandia National Laboratories, USA)

"Transmission Electron Microscopy of Soot Particles Directly Sampled in Diesel Spray Flame - A Comparison between US#2 and Biodiesel Soot"

SAE International Journal of Fuels and Lubricants, Vol. 5(2), pp.665-673 

山口輝夫, 近藤克文, 西貝大樹, 猪熊洋希, 高野智識, 相澤哲哉 (明治大学)

Jean Guilaume Nerva (CMT, Universidad Politécnica de Valencia, Spain)

Caroline L..Genzale (Georgia Institute of Technology, USA)

Lyle M.Pickett (Sandia National Laboratories, USA)


日本機械学会論文集B編78巻786号, pp.353-362





Teruo Yamaguchi, Katsufumi Kondo, Hiroki Nishigai, Satoshi Takano and Tetsuya Aizawa (Meiji University, Japan)

"Direct Sampling, TEM Analysis and Optical Measurement of Soot Particles at Different Axial Locations in a Transient Spray Flame"

SAE International Journal of Fuels and Lubricants, Vol.5(1), pp.316-328

相澤哲哉,猪熊洋希,山口輝夫,藤原 章,井上 哲 (明治大学)



相澤哲哉,早瀬一馬 (明治大学)

皆川友宏 (司測研)







Tetsuya Aizawa and Hidenori Kosaka (Tokyo Institute of Technology, Japan)

“Effects of Fischer-Tropsch Diesel (FTD) Fuel on Soot Formation Processes in a Diesel Spray Flame”

International Journal of Engine Research, Vol.11(1), pp.79-87





Tetsuya Aizawa and Hidenori Kosaka (Tokyo Institute of Technology, Japan)

"Laser-Induced Phosphorescence Thermography of Combustion Chamber Wall of Diesel Engine"

SAE International Journal of Fuels and Lubricants, Vol.1(1), pp.549-558 

窪山達也,小酒英範,相澤哲哉 (東京工業大学)




Tetsuya Aizawa and Hidenori Kosaka (Tokyo Institute of Technology, Japan)

“Investigation of Early Soot Formation Process in a Diesel Spray Flame via Excitation-Emission Matrix (EEM) using a Multi-Wavelength Laser Source”

International Journal of Engine Research, Vol.9(1), pp.79-97 

相澤哲哉,蒲生将也,小酒英範 (東京工業大学)



小酒英範,河内陽平,大西毅,相澤哲哉 (東京工業大学)






北田佳夫,小酒英範,相澤哲哉 (東京工業大学)


自動車技術会論文集,Vol. 38, No. 6, pp.131-137

小酒英範、西田健太郎、相澤哲哉 (東京工業大学)

“雰囲気酸素濃度・温度分布の不均一性がディーゼル燃焼に及ぼす影響 (第1報、酸素濃度の不均一性の影響)”





Tetsuya Aizawa and Hidenori Kosaka (Tokyo Institute of Technology, Japan)

“Investigation of the early soot formation process in a transient spray flame via spectral measurements of laser-induced emissions”

International Journal of Engine Research, Vol.7(2), pp.93-101

相澤哲哉,小酒英範 (東京工業大学)



村山哲也,小酒英範,相澤哲哉,松井幸雄 (東京工業大学)



窪山達也,小酒英範,相澤哲哉,松井幸雄 (東京工業大学)



窪山達也,小酒英範,相澤哲哉,松井幸雄 (東京工業大学)






Hidenori Kosaka, Tetsuya Aizawa and Takeyuki Kamimoto (Tokyo Institute of Technology, Japan)

“Two-Dimensional Imaging of Ignition and Soot Formation Processes in a Diesel Flame”

International Journal of Engine Research, Vol.6(1), pp.21-42

相澤哲哉,小酒英範,松井幸雄 (東京工業大学)






相澤哲哉,小酒英範,松井幸雄 (東京工業大学)






橋場和人,相澤哲哉,小酒英範,松井幸雄 (東京工業大学)



相澤哲哉,小酒英範,松井幸雄 (東京工業大学)



Tetsuya Aizawa, Kenta Imaichi, Hidenori Kosaka and Yukio Matsui (Tokyo Institute of Technology, Japan)

"Measurement of Excitation-Emission Matrix of Shock-heated PAHs using a Multi-wavelength Laser Source"

SAE Technical Paper No. 2003-01-1785 




Tetsuya Aizawa, Hidenori Kosaka and Yukio Matsui (Tokyo Institute of Technology, Japan)

“2-D Imaging of Soot Formation Process in a Transient Spray Flame by Laser-induced Fluorescence and Incandescence Techniques”

SAE Technical Paper No.2002-01-2669




Tetsuya Aizawa (Tokyo Institute of Technology, Japan)

“Diode-laser wavelength-modulation absorption spectroscopy for quantitative in-situ measurements of temperature and OH radical concentration in combustion gases”

Applied Optics, Vol.40(27), pp.4894-4903 




相澤哲哉,神本武征,田丸 卓 (東京工業大学)






Tetsuya Aizawa, Takeyuki Kamimoto and Taku Tamaru (Tokyo Institute of Technology, Japan)

“Measurements of OH radical concentration in combustion environments by wavelength-modulation spectroscopy with a 1.55-μm distributed-feedback diode laser”

Applied Optics, Vol.38(9), pp.1733-1741

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